As part of the development of the Network of Experts on Digital Mediterranean Societies, Prof. Alessandro Mantelero participated as an invited speaker at the Summer Academy on Law & Technology 2023, organised in Syros by the Deloitte Academy and KBVL Law Firm, under the auspices of the University of the Aegean and having Prof. Lilian Mitrou (University of the Aegean), a member of the JMC Teaching Team, among its academic organizers.
The Summer School brought together a wide range of experts from law firms, government and academia, including Michail Bletsas (Director of Computing, MIT Media Lab), Mateja Durovic (Reader at King’s College London), Vasileios Karkatzounis (Legal advisor to the Secretary General of Telecommunications and Post of the Ministry of Digital Governance), Sokratis Katsikas (Director, Norwegian Center for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU), Evangelos Margaritis (Attorney at Law, Scientific fellow at the University of the Aegean), Ioannis Revolidis (Lecturer of Media, Communications& Technology, University of Malta) and Apostolos Vorras (Partner, Head of Data Protection & Digital Technologies, KBVL Law Firm).
In his presentation on Data protection and AI, Prof. Mantelero addressed the challenges of the interplay between the current EU data protection framework and the forthcoming AI Act, pointing out the differences in their risk-based approach. He also outlined the key elements and methodological requirements for the fundamental rights impact assessment that will be required by the EU regulation on AI, but still lacks a specific methodology.