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Seminars and Conferences

5 April 2022

Protecting refugees in the Mediterranean area: the role and challenges of AI 

Seminar [videos]

3 June 2022

Humanitarian Actions in Mediterranean digital societies

Conference [videos]

7 November 2022

The Roman Mediterranean Sea: data from and for Archaeological research

Seminar [IN-PERSON, streaming]

San José, Montevideo, Turin, 8 November 2022

La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) centrada en el ser humano
[Evento en colaboración con el Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos para América del Sur]

Seminar [video]

13 December 2022

The two sides of the Mediterranean Sea: A common core for data protection

Conference [videos]

26 April 2023

Tourism and data: open data and data commons

Seminar [Videos]

Barcelona, 15 June 2023

Tourism and responsible data use in the Mediterranean area

Conference [HYBRID]
Roundtable on Tourism and Data [audio]

10 October 2023

Human architecture and digital architecture in AI- based Mediterranean smart cities

Seminar [videos]

12 December 2023

Public data: Planning cites

Conference [HYBRID]

Athens, 18 June 2024

3rd Quo vadis AI Act Conference

Conference [IN-PERSON, streaming]

Malta, 24 June 2024

Maritime traffic and cybersecurity

Seminar [IN-PERSON, streaming]

December 2024

Societal biases and AI regulation

Workshop [IN-PERSON]

February 2025

Privacy cultures in the Mediterranean Sea

Conference [HYBRID]

Protecting Refugees in the Mediterranean Area – The Role and Challenges of AI

5 April 2022

Eleftherios Chelioudakis, Homo Digitalis (Greece)
Massimo Marelli
, Head of the Data Protection Office, International Committee of the Red Cross
Clementina Barbaro, Head, Youth Policy Division – Secretary to the Joint Council on Youth and the European Steering Committee for Youth, Council of Europe
Aaron Martin, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society and Assistant Professor in Maastricht University’s Humanitarian Action Programme
Theodora Gazi, University of Athens, Lawyer
Bayram Selvi
, The Turkish Red Crescent, Director of Migration Services
Chloé Berthélémy, European Digital Rights-EDRi

Humanitarian Actions in Mediterranean digital societies

3 June 2022

Morning Session

Jeanne Mifsud Bonnici, University of Groningen and University of Malta
Lina Jasmontaite, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pauline Veron, European Centre for Development Policy Management
Ayca Atabey, Information Technology Law Institute at Istanbul Bilgi University and Edinburgh University
Giuseppe Vaciago, LT42, Politecnico di Torino
Alberto Pelliccione, ReaQta

Afternoon Session

Joe Cannataci, University of Groningen and University of Malta
Michelle Pace, Professor in Global Studies, Roskilde University
Paolo Benanti, Pontifical Gregorian University
Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert, Research Director & Senior Researcher at Peace Research Institute Oslo, Co-Director of the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies
Massimo Marelli, International Committee of the Red Cross
Belkis Wille, Senior Crisis & Conflict Researcher, Human Rights Watch
Catherine Lennman, Global Privacy Assembly
Christina Zarogianni, University of Cyprus

Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion, Director of Strategy, Privacy International

La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) centrada en el ser humano

8 November 2022

Alessandro Mantelero

Carolina Aguerre, Profesora de alta dedicación, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, co-directora del Centro de Estudios en Tecnología Sociedad (CETYS) de la Universidad de San Andres e investigadora asociada del Centro de Estudios para la Cooperación Global (GCR21) de la Universidad de Duisburg-Essen

Eduardo Bertoni, Representante de la Oficina Regional para América del Sur del IIDH

The two side of the Mediterranean Sea: a common core for data protection

13 December 2022

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford

Roundtable I: Data protection a bridge between countries

Moderator: Chawki Gaddès, President of the Instance nationale de protection des données personnelles (Tunisian DPA) and President of the Francophone Association of Personal Data Protection Authorities
Leyla Keser Berber, Istanbul Bilgi University
Omar Seghrouchni, President of the Commission Nationale de contrôle de la protection des Données à caractère Personnel (Moroccan DPA)
Olivier Matter, Head of International Cooperation, EDPS
Yannick Meneceur, Council of Europe

Roundtable II: Data protection a steppingstone towards global regulation of AI

(Panel co-organised with European Center for Not-for-Profit Law)

Moderator: Francesca Fanucci, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
Karolina Iwanska, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law and EDRi
Eleftherios Chelioudakis, Homo Digitalis
Amer Bani Amer, Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development

Concluding remarks
Guido Scorza, Member of the Board of the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italian DPA)

Tourism and data: open data and data commons

26 April 2023

Manuel David Masseno, Polytechnic Institute of Beja

Tommaso Messina, Analyst and Policy Consultant

Francesco Luigi Milone, Politecnico di Torino

Maria Samantha Esposito, Politecnico di Torino

Diana Rolando, Alice Barreca, and Manuela Rebaudengo, Politecnico di Torino

Human architecture and digital architecture in AI- based Mediterranean smart cities

10 October 2023

Luigi Montuori, Head of Service for EU and International Matters – Garante per la Protezione dei dati personali
Maria Bottis, Professor of Information law – Ionian University
Graziella Roccella, Chief Research and Product Design Officer – Planet Smart City
Marco Santambrogio, Entrepreneur – Senior Advisor – Vice Chairman Metasociale
Michele Pellerzi, Senior Associate 42 Law Firm