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Main goal

The Chair promotes Mediterranean studies in computer law through an interdisciplinary cross-fertilisation, contributing to reducing the existing gap in the field of computer law that affects Mediterranean countries, which are often under-represented in the global arena.

The Chair aims to amplify the voice and participation of Mediterranean countries in the EU regulatory and policy debate. This will enrich the discussion at EU level, benefiting from the significant scientific output in humanities and legal studies of Mediterranean countries with a positive interdisciplinary cross-fertilisation for the development of human-centric digital societies and AI.

The project brings together academic staff (Teaching Team) from several Mediterranean universities in Spain, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, and Turkey.

Needs and objectives

The apparent uniformity of the existing and proposed EU regulatory framework for the digital society needs to be investigated in the light of the socio-cultural component that, from a legal perspective, may impact on its application and contextualisation.

To examine this relationship between the EU legal framework and its application in specific cultural contexts, this project focuses on the Mediterranean area.

Considering EU data and technology regulations through the lens of the Mediterranean culture will contribute not only to their effective implementation, but also to properly address the specificity of Member States.

In addition, the Mediterranean perspective will also create a bridge in this field with non-EU cultures, which will be actively involved in the open events organised by the Chair.

Fostering this pan-Mediterranean dialogue about EU regulation and policies is crucial in several fields. The overall objective of the Chair is thus to open up a new field in legal interdisciplinary studies focused on digital Mediterranean studies, contributing to address several policy and cultural issues in the Mediterranean area, such as migration, maritime trade, cybersecurity, and inclusive AI-based smart city development.


Deliverable D1.1 – Plan for dissemination, awareness-raising, and exploitation

Deliverable D1.2 – Project micro-website

Deliverable D1.3 – JMC Mid-term report

Deliverable D1.4 – Report on NEDMS and long-term sustainability and activity plan