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Mantelero, Alessandro. 2024. The Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment (FRIA) in the AI Act: roots, legal obligations and operational methodologies, Computer Law & Security Rev., 54,


Mantelero, Alessandro. 2024. El Reglamento de inteligencia artificial: la respuesta del legislador europeo a los retos de la inteligencia artificial. In Lorenzo Cotino Hueso and Pere Simón Castellano (eds) Tratado sobre el Reglamento de Inteligencia Artificial de la Unión Europea / Aranzadi, Madrid, pp. 53-66. ISBN: 978-84-1162-931-7

Mantelero, Alessandro. 2024. Artificial Intelligence. In Massimo Marelli (ed) Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action / Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 289-332. ISBN: 9781009414630

Mantelero, Alessandro. 2023. La AI ACT: Contexto, límites y retos de una ley de primera generación. In: Perspectivas regulatorias de la inteligencia artificial en la Unión Europea / Miquel Peguera Poch, pp. 23-74. ISBN: 978-84-290-2749-5

Mantelero, Alessandro. 2023. Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment in the DSA. In: Putting the DSA into Practice / van Hoboken J., Quintais J. P., Appelman N., Fahy R., Buri I., Straub M., Berlin, Verfassungsblog, pp. 107-119. ISBN: 978-3-757517-96-0

Mantelero, Alessandro. 2022. Artificial Intelligence (AI). In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights / Binder, C., Nowak, M., Hofbauer, JA, Janig P, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 163-172. ISBN: 9781789903614

Mantelero, Alessandro. 2022. Big Data and Data Protection. In: Research Handbook on Privacy and Data Protection Law. Values, Norms and Global Politics / González-Fuster, G., van Brakel, R., De Hert, P., Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 335-357. ISBN: 9781786438508

Mantelero, A. and Fanucci, F. 2022. Great ambitions. The international debate on AI regulation and the human rights in the prism of the Council of Europe’s CAHAI. In Philip Czech et al. (eds). European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022 (Intersentia: Cambridge), pp. 225-252. ISBN: 9781839702655. Available on SSRN


Mantelero, Alessandro. 2022. The right to object and the right to erasure. EDPB One-Stop-Shop thematic case digest, 9 December 2022

The case digest was commissioned as part of the EDPB’s Support Pool of Experts initiative, which aims to
support cooperation among SAs by providing expertise and tools related to enforcement.