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II Congreso Iberoamericano de Bioderecho y Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Guadalajara, 8-9 May 2023 – Keynote speech

In the context of the 2nd Ibero-American Conference on Biolaw and Human Rights (Guadalajara, 8-9 May 2023), organised by the University of Murcia in collaboration with the University of Guadalajara, the University of San Luis Potosí and the University of… Read More »II Congreso Iberoamericano de Bioderecho y Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Guadalajara, 8-9 May 2023 – Keynote speech

The Two Sides of the Mediterranean Sea: A Common Core for Data Protection – An international workshop organised by the Jean Monnet Chair

On December 12 the Jean Monnet Chair in Mediterranean Digital Societies and Law held an international workshop on Mediterranean dialogue for the use of data in digital societies, with the participation of data protection authorities from Italy, Morocco and Tunisia,… Read More »The Two Sides of the Mediterranean Sea: A Common Core for Data Protection – An international workshop organised by the Jean Monnet Chair

Prof. Mantelero gave a keynote speech on “Big Data: Challenges for Privacy” at the 44th Global Privacy Assembly in Istanbul

The Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) first met in 1979 as the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners. The Assembly is the leading global forum for data protection and privacy authorities and brings together more than 130 data protection… Read More »Prof. Mantelero gave a keynote speech on “Big Data: Challenges for Privacy” at the 44th Global Privacy Assembly in Istanbul

Prof. Alessandro Mantelero at the Catalan Data Protection Authority giving a talk on data protection and AI regulation, 20 September 2022

L’expert del Comitè Europeu de Protecció de Dades, Alessandro Mantelero, ha defensat avui, en el marc de la cloenda del Curs de formació especialitzada per a delegats i delegades de protecció de dades, que la proposta europea per regular l’aplicació… Read More »Prof. Alessandro Mantelero at the Catalan Data Protection Authority giving a talk on data protection and AI regulation, 20 September 2022

Hearing of Professor Mantelero at the Brazilian Senate on the future regulatory framework for AI

On June 10, Prof. Alessandro Mantelero, Jean Monnet Chair in Mediterranean Digital Societies and Law, spoke at the Brazilian Senate-Jurists Commission to support the preparation of the Brazilian regulatory framework for AI. He highlighted the importance of adopting a rights-based… Read More »Hearing of Professor Mantelero at the Brazilian Senate on the future regulatory framework for AI